How do I edit a poll I have created?

There are a few ways to edit an existing poll.

Begin by logging into your account. Then choose the poll you want to edit.

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Choosing the green pencil (update) icon will allow you to edit the current poll. This will take you to the set up page where you can make any changes to the set up or add/delete a question.

Choosing the orange plus-sign (add) icon will bring you directly to the add question page.

Choosing the blue eye (view) icon will allow you to view all the questions in the poll. You can choose to edit or delete any question.

Choosing the gray (copy) icon will automatically create a new copy of the poll you chose. This is an easy way to make changes specific to another group without recreating a whole new poll.

Choosing the black (play) icon allows you to view the polling presentation view.

Last updated on 15th June 2020

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